In my opinion there are many people are looking for best price Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey reviews before they pick up one. I think that's a nice idea to make a good Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey deal. It's better for readers to read its specifications and its details to make a comparison
>> Reviews Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey <<
Nowadays Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey is one of the most wanted product in the US This product quality is also excellent. Many Reviews has proven that this item has good quality, so most of the buyers are satisfied. You can see it from the customers opinions who have given positive responses. if you are interested in this best buy on sale, you should order soon to avoid disappointment, because this item tends to sold out quickly.
Product Description
Protect your child against the bumps, bruises, and boo-boos they can get while exploring the world around them. The Prince Lionheart safety foam absorbs impact, secures easily to sharp edges, and trims to desired length. The Prince Lionheart cushiony table edgeGUARD plus four corners fits any shape table. The product includes 12 feet of impact absorbing foam, four cushiony corners and double-sided stick tape, which removes quickly and easily when no longer needed. Fire retardant, non-toxic and latex-free. Available in chocolate and grey.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #5694 in Baby Product
- Color: Grey/Beige
- Brand: Prince Lionheart
- Model: 0070
- Released on: 2006-10-25
- Dimensions: 1.30" h x 1.30" w x 162.00" l, .0 pounds
- Protect your child from sharp edges with impact absorbing foam
- Includes 12 feet of impact absorbing foam and four corners Trim to necessary length
- Fire retardant, non toxic and latex free
- Full length double stick tape keeps foam securely fastened
- Removes quickly and easily when no longer needed
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Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
59 of 60 people found the following review helpful.FYI for better sticking of bumper guards
By A Customer
I have used these corner guards for babyproofing my home for my grandchildren and they have worked great. However, as you have probably already read, the self adhesive tape that comes with this product does not stick very well.
So...I went to HomeDepot and purchased some heavey duty velcro tabs. After replacing the adhesive tape with the heavy duty velcro, the corners stay in place like like a charm. The kids are just at the height to run into the corners of the granite kitchen island. I am sure that placing these inexpensive corner guards has saved me many emergency room visits.
Hope this helps.
69 of 77 people found the following review helpful.The importance of the guard
By stacy
I write this review in the hopes that more parents will buy this product. I have used it for two years know on my living room furniture and it has prevented numerous serious accidents. I do suggest though you use this product on any sharp edge object in your home. I say this because recently my 3yr old fell from a play chair in his room and hit his head on his bedrail cutting his head open to the bone. It was the most horrifying event in my life and I feel that if I had placed this product along the rail of my son's bed this accident could have been prevented. My son is doing well; however it could have been much more serious. I now use this product on items such as the toy box, dresser courners, bedrail, shelf edging, and any other sharp edge I find in my home. I know that accidents will happen, but they can be prevented by simply using the safety products that are provided to us by companies such as this. After reading some of the other reviews I would like to add that this product does not stay applied permently, you will have to by extra double sided tape to reapply the product and once applied it does not take away from the beauty of your furniture. If you feel that it will take away from the look of your furniture just think about what your house would look like without your child.
82 of 97 people found the following review helpful.Good Protection - that won't last
By Celeste
I purchased this table guard about a month ago. I feel that the padding itself is pretty cushiony (especially if compared to the expandable table guards) and I feel it would prevent a child from seriously hurting themselves if they should run into the table. However, I also felt there were a few problems. You have to apply the four pre-cut foam corners to the table (easy), then you have to measure the rest of the foam, which is one long piece, to fit your table--and you have to be EXACT so USE A TAPE MEASURER (easy). However, cutting the foam was NOT that easy. The directions suggest you use a serrated bread knife - we opted to use a razor knife - but still ended up with some gaps. This certainly does NOT look good and cannot be fixed! The tape they give you to apply to the table is NOT very durable and I don't see it lasting. I don't know how easy the tape itself comes off the table, but I do know that the foam is constantly coming off of the tape. Plus small children, like mine, are forever pulling the foam off of the table - which IS very easy for them to do. My children are always playing near the table now since they enjoy pulling the foam off so much! Another dissapointment is that the foam only protects the top and sides of the corners - whereas I would have prefered it covered the ENTIRE corner (top and bottom) in case a child is reaching under the table and hits his/her head while standing up. Also, if anything gets spilled onto the table - which DOES happen with kids - it will lessen the durability of the tape. And you WILL get crumbs in between the table and the foam - which IS very hard to clean. Overall, the product is good and does serve its purpose. I will definately keep the foam on my table since I feel it will help to prevent any serious injuries, but I am going to also be ordering one of the "expandable" bumbers to cover it. This will cover the ugly gaps, prevent my kids from pulling it off and hopefully, my friends won't notice the collection of crumbs I have acquired since I have put the guard on the table! Customer Reviews: Prince Lionheart Table Edge ...
This review is from: Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey (Baby Product) Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 ...
Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners by Prince Lionheart. 309 customer reviews | 12 ... Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey $30.45.
Prince Lionheart - Safety - #0070 - Table Edge Guard
Jumbo Corner Guard™ #0070,0091 Table Edge Guard ... © 2003 Prince Lionheart. All Rights Reserved. ...
Prince Lionheart Table Edge & 4 Corners, Grey by Prince ...
Prince Lionheart Table Edge & 4 Corners, Grey by; Prince ... Full-length double-stick tape keeps Guard securely fastened and removes quickly and easily when no ...
Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey ...
Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey discount. Click Buy it now.
Product Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard with 4 Corners, Grey prices and availability are accurate as of the date/ time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on [Amazö] at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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