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>> today JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant <<
Nowadays JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant is one of the bestsellers in the United State This product quality is also excellent. Many Reviews has proven that this item has good quality, so most of the buyers are satisfied. You can see it from the customers opinions who have given positive responses. if you are interested in this best buy on sale, you should order soon to avoid of stock, because this item tends to sold out quickly.
Product Description
With plush inner shearling and warm outer thermaplush, the Original Bundleme provides a simple, stylish solution for bundling your baby.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #26566 in Baby Product
- Size: Infant
- Color: Cocoa
- Brand: JJ Cole
- Model: BMOO
- Released on: 2010-06-25
- Fabric type: 100% Polyester
- Dimensions: 1.50" h x 22.00" w x 26.00" l, 1.00 pounds
- For use with car seats, strollers, and joggers
- Machine washable
- Removable top for easy temperature control
- Allows safety straps to rest directly on the child
- Crash tested - FMVSS 213
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Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
117 of 143 people found the following review helpful.JJ COLE Dangerous...*******CARSEAT COVER SHOWDOWN****** comparisons of many different brands....
By Bailey
I am a "research-aholic" in general and have researched many different baby products over the past 5 years due to being a mother of 3 and wanting to get the best for the price and not wanting to settle for less... I live in the Northeast US, so it gets really cold and the weather changes frequently and in extremes on a daily, if not hourly basis. Anyway, here are the brands I've used/owed and/or researched extensively and the comparisons:
Jolly Jumper Arctic Sneak A Peek Infant Car Seat Cover (JJA)
Jolly Jumper Sneak A Peek Infant Car Seat Cover (JJ)
Summer Infant Poshpouch (SP)
Cozy Car Seat Microfiber and Fleece Cover (CC)
Baby's Cozy World Microfiber & Fleece Carrier Cover (BC) (yes the CC and the BC are different)
JJ Cole infant/original bundle me (JJC)
JJ Cole toddler bundle me (JJT)
Jolly Jumper Artic (JJA) is awesome, I would rate it the best one out of all. It is a "shower cap" cover for the infant car seat, it has a blanket inside that you can velcro closed to keep the baby's face covered and warm and you can velcro it "up" to stay open when the baby when you put the baby in the car out of weather's elements... It has two zippers which allow you to open the carrier and easily access the baby, keep the baby from over heating and you can also "flap the middle piece down to keep it completely off the baby. The blanket is a nice feature of this cover. You can use it alone with the flap open on a warmer day and you can also "flap" it down away from the baby as well when not in use. Another nice thing about the blanket is you can wrap it around baby to keep them warm, there is enough material on both sides to do this.. Some reviewers of this and other carriers stated that there were gaps around the handle, this is true of mostly all the shower cap covers except you can adjust it to cover these gaps. Also you can take the wrap around blanket and cover the baby as well as feed it through the gaps on the sides to close them if the cover cannot be adjusted to fit around the bottom to close that area. The outer portion is nylon, like a jacket and it is waterproof, the fleece is substantial and it keeps the infant very, warm. This is an expensive carrier but well worth the money! This is top notch!
Jolly Jumper is just like the carrier described above but without the attached blanket. Again, overall an excellent carrier. It is not that much less than the JJA and no matter what climate I would pay the extra money for the JJA just because you can use the blanket alone with the flap of the outer portion of the JJ out and it is a very nice feature to have in the cover.
Summer Infant Poshpouch (SP) is another "shower cap" cover for the infant carseat but it has an opening in the top with no flap to velcro over baby's face. I owned this before the JJA and here are some differences. It is a much thinner material, the fleece isn't as substantial and the outer portion is not waterproof or nylon but a fleece polyester material. The opening is rather large and I felt as though breezes/wind would go right through the hole and it is definitely not as effective in making the baby too warm, esp. in colder conditions. To remedy this problem I put a blanket on under the cover and the baby seemed better on 30 degree days from the house to the car but not to take a walk. I also had to put a hat and make sure the blanket was high on baby to cover the baby's neck or use something to make sure baby's neck was covered due to the hole being so big. It also gaps more on the side then the JJA and the JJ. The SP only has one zipper to unzip the baby when inside. And when you want to keep the baby inside the carrier, you really have to take the whole thing off to leave the baby in to not be covered. And it is hard to get the baby out without pushing it aside.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY ******* PLEASE SEE***** it was very scary when I discovered that when you place it on correctly and put it over the infant carseat, I would put my infant carseat into the holster and it WOULD NOT, I repeat WOULD NOT lATCH INTO THE BASE!!!! There was no way of knowing this unless you checked, (I check my baby each time to make sure the carseat is latched in just by habit), but it would not even be partially latched just completely unlatched.... I felt this was unacceptable.... Even when I tried to adjust it by pulling the bottom portion where the baby's feet would be up, the cover b/c of the elastic would just come up, bunch and be partially off with a gap under the baby's feet so I feel this carrier is a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY. I paid 2/3 the cost of the JJA.
Cozy Car Seat Microfiber and Fleece Cover (CC) A lot of people think this is the BC and it is the same price but it is not. It is a cheap spin off of the BC even though it is the same price. The fabric is less substantial, it is honestly more like the SP. Not worth the money and don't make the mistake of getting it.
Baby's Cozy World Microfiber & Fleece Carrier Cover (BC) Is BABY'S COZY WORLD uses a type of microfiber called microsuede, which is a soft fabric made from synthetic fibers that are an imitation to suede. It seems like it is a good bang for your buck coming in around twenty dollars which is half of the JJA. The only thing is if you live in a really rainy climate I don't think it would be as waterproof being microsuede as the JJ or the JJA material. Another reviewer stated that the BABY'S COZY WORLD is reversible (which I am not sure how it can be reversible deeming that it does have a flap that goes over the infants face like the CC, JJA and JJ)?
The reviewer also stated that the BC has pacifier clips, which would be a nice feature for toys as well and that is is very thick for all weather and it is the same price as the CC. ONE THING that many reviews said about the CC and the BC is that the zippers can be dangerous b/c they line up in the same place as a newborns eyes and have the potential for scratching the cornea. With the JJ and the JJA the zippers do not seem as though they would reach this far. Maybe the CC and the BC have larger zippers that might spin around in opposite directions esp if it is "reversible". It does have the zippers on both sides to unzip and expose the infant nicely when inside and do not want the infant to overheat while in the carrier. For the price this seems like it would be a good carrier as well and I would rate the the BC a close second and very comparable to the JJ but does not have a blanket feature like the JJA.
JJ Cole infant/original bundle me (JJC)is what I owned with my first child who was a premature infant and I only got about 7 months of use out of this cover. That is why I got the toddler JJ cole after. It is a different type of carrier than all the others that are reviewed above being that it is not a shower cap style it has an underside to the carrier that is placed under the harness straps and then a layer goes over the baby and is zippered down and around the bottom. FIRST OF ALL THIS IS DANGEROUS, which I never knew as a new mom, and why they even CAN SELL them as carseat covers is beyond me because if you get into an accident it compresses under the infant because of the added bulk between the seat and the child, (it is like the infant is wearing a jacket) so there is more room in between the harness and the infant deeming it unsafe. Also, JJ cole now has the lite JJ cole and says that it passed crash tests but The Bundle me Lite's openings do not come anywhere near the hip straps of the harness... meaning they would be improperly routed, thus creating slack. Here is a picture: [...] No certified carseat technicians recommend this aftermarket product for the carseat. Any many if not all carseat companies state if an aftermarket product is used "inside" the carseat between the harness and baby it will void all guarantees for safety. NOT GOOD.
JJ Cole toddler (JJT) Had this mostly with my first child and second and would not use now d/t the same reason above with the JJ. But it could be nice with a stroller. The only thing is you do need a hat and something to cover the baby's neck as well.
In summary:
The Jolly Jumper Artic (JJA) wins the race, I am very very please with this product, esp the blanket aspect that I think is well worth it!
The JJ is basically the same product as the JJA but without the blanket....
The Baby's Cozy World Microfiber & Fleece Carrier Cover (BC) (but make sure it is the BC and not the CC when you purchase it) comes in a close second esp for the price!
Hope this review is helpful to you and you now won't have to go through the countless hours of research and will be getting a great product while not wasting any of your time or money on another worthless baby item!!!!
32 of 45 people found the following review helpful.Unsafe for car seats, not warm enough for stroller
By Kittykatfemmebot
I bought a bundle me to put in my son's stroller so that we can enjoy the last bit of sunlight before winter begins here in Alaska. First of all, my son weighs only 15 lbs, but his feet are already to the bottom of the bundle me. Given how quickly infants grow I doubt this product will last to 21 lbs or a year. Secondly, I was disappointed with how thin it was. It was around 43 degrees out and I had my son dressed in a onesie, leg warmers, denim overalls, socks, shoes, a sweater, and a hat. Luckily I brought an extra fleece blanket with us because when we stopped for coffee and I was nursing him I noticed that he was cold! Wrapping him in blankets for stroller rides may be a pain, but at least I know he is warm.
The level of warmth it provides might be sufficient for a carseat, but since it is unsafe to have anything between your baby and the car seat that did not come with the seat, I will be returning this product.
9 of 12 people found the following review helpful.A must-have for sub-zero North-country Winters
By L. Lindstrom
I am so, so, so thrilled to have this finally! I wanted a BundleMe for my first child but he ended up outgrowing his infant car seat before winter really came. My daughter is very tiny and has a very hard time staying warm, so this is just perfect for her!
The BundleMe is luxuriously soft and warm and so easy to install. I love that the zip-off top allows you to regulate the temperature without disturbing the baby! So much easier and more convenient --and actually safer --than tucking layer after layer of blankets around my tiny child. Blankets can be kicked up or blown up over her face by the wind, but the BundleMe stays securely in place. The BundleMe also eliminates the hassle of having to stuff my child into a snowsuit only to have to take her out of her car seat and the snowsuit as soon as we are indoors. Now I can just put her in, zip her up and off we go!
As to safety concerns, I have two points to make. One is this: Where I live Winter temperatures are regularly below zero, and the cold alone is a dangerous thing for babies! I try not to take my babies out when the temperatures go sub-zero, but doctors appointments have to happen sometime!
Here is my other point: Almost everyone who protests this cover says that putting a layer in between the baby and the car seat is unsafe. But how is that any different than having your baby in a bulky coat or snowsuit? That too adds a layer between the baby and the car seat (that's just as thick, or thicker than the BundleMe) and also adds a layer between the baby and the buckle straps, which is even less safe. If the only truly safe way to keep a baby warm in a car seat is to tuck a blanket or two around him or her in regular indoor clothing and a hat, then I would never be able to take my babies outdoors. It would never keep them warm enough!
My one addendum to this is that the older style BundleMe is not safe. It does not have horizontal slits for the car seat straps to slip into, only the vertical velcro strip. This causes the straps to twist and fall right off the baby's shoulders. So please be very careful if you are using a hand-me-down or buying used!
Okay, I'm off my soap box now!
The BundleMe is a wonderful, essential baby product that's worth every penny!
Amazon.com: JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa ...
JJ Cole brings you the Original Bundleme! With a plush inner faux shearling and luxuriously soft outer thermaplush™cover, your baby will enjoy maximum warmth and ...
JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant: Read ...
JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant - BMOO - 1 Seller Found - $69.99 - Type: Infant - Read Product Reviews at NexTag
JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant: Compare ...
JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant - BMOO - 1 Seller Found - Lowest Price: $69.99 - Type: Infant
original bundleme | JJ Cole Collections
JJ Cole brings you the Original Bundleme! ... your baby will enjoy maximum warmth and comfort. • use with car seats, strollers and joggers ...
JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, 0-12 Months
JJ Cole Bundleme Original Infant w/Thermaplush – Cocoa. Plush inner shearling аnԁ soft out thermaplush™. Eliminates need fοr blankets аnԁ jackets
Product JJ Cole Original Infant Bundleme, Cocoa, Infant prices and availability are accurate as of the date/ time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on [Amazön.com] at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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